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Permit, Gag Grouper & Barracuda

Beautiful blue water, so clear you can see the bottom of the reef. Spotting grouper, barracuda and coming up of a feeding school of permit! Sounds like a typical day in the keys but this is Boca Grande yesterday during Andrew’s charter. Tim joined Andrew yesterday for a day of nearshore fishing. Due to weather and rougher seas, Andrew started the day bottom fishing. Live bait, didn’t last long on the bottom. Tim hooked into a nice Gag Grouper. Bcatch & release, season opens on these guys May 1st 2015. As the seas calmed Andrew was able to spot some barracuda. These are great to sight cast , putting on a pretty good show in the process. Screaming drag and leaping out of the water. Tim and Andrew hooked about a dozen and landed two.

Moving locations in search of permit Andrew spotted last week. When they arrived conditions were a bit choppy making visibility difficult. The last time Andrew spotted these fish they were tailing at the surface. After awhile of hanging around he finally spotted them. Andrew quickly baited up the rods and they threw into the school.

Fish on! Tim caught a nice permit. These guys are fighters. Released after a quick photo. Thanks Tim for joining us for a day of fun on the water. Looking forward to next time

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